Differentiated Instruction and differentiated
assessment serving as teaching aids in an inclusive classroom
can show us how to teach the same standard to a range of
by employing a variety of teaching and learning modes.”
(Tomlinson 2000)
Differentiated instruction is an approach to teaching and organizing a
classroom that respects each learner and provides a variety of learning
opportunities. All students can meet success since it enables them to access
information through multiple paths, understand it deeply and produce an
effective output. Tomlinson (2005), defines differentiated instruction as a philosophy of
teaching that is based on the premise that students learn best when their
teachers accommodate the differences in their readiness levels, interests and
learning profiles. A main objective of differentiated instruction is to take
full advantage of every student’s ability to learn (Tomlinson, 2001a, 2001c,
2004c, 2005).
She also points out that differentiating can be performed in a variety
of ways. Tomlinson (2000) argues that differentiation is not just an
instructional strategy, nor is it a recipe for teaching. It is an innovative
way of thinking about teaching and learning.
According to Tomlinson (2003), there are four areas in
which differentiation can occur:
- the
learning environment
- the
content of the curriculum,
- the
process through which children engage in the learning activities,
- the
product or demonstration of what has been learned.
The learning environment includes the overall layout of the classroom and
the way the classroom space is used. All
these alterations ensure that the classroom is a supportive and comfortable
place that helps all students enjoy learning in a welcoming environment.
Regarding the process of instruction and students’ interaction, it may involve
collaborative learning activities, tiered assignments, learning centres,
learning logs, individual goal-setting, changing the pace or delivery of
instruction, and using visual and verbal cueing. Last but not least it involves
allowing different students to work at different speeds.
It should be noted that curriculum differentiation is
determined by the students’ readiness level, interests, and learning
Planning for differentiated instruction involves making informed
decisions about the learning environment, determining instructional time,
designing appropriate content, materials and resources and finally implementing
instructional strategies and evaluating procedures. All these make
differentiated instruction a proactive, flexible and student-centered approach.
We should bear in mind that differentiated
instruction is an umbrella concept. It incorporates research results on the
brain (Greenleaf, 2003), learning styles, multiple intelligences,
constructivism, and differentiated assessment into practice in the classroom.
‘Flexibility’ is the key word in a differentiated
classroom. The curriculum is followed in a variety of instructional strategies.
Every student is engaged in the same general content while interacting with the
learning goal at his/her own pace. The differentiated classroom teacher acts as
a coach, guiding the learning process and monitoring students’ progress by
offering guidance and support. The
teacher works with students individually or in small groups.
Differentiated instruction respects each student as a
learner. This requires knowing each student’s interests, strengths, and
academic challenges. Another important part of differentiated instruction is
that it takes into account that students learn differently. Therefore, they
need a variety of guidance and support (Chapman, C. & Gregory, G.H., 2007)
By implementing differentiated instruction, all
learners are helped to reach their potential.
Differentiated assessment is a
process of evaluation where the teacher collects information and data before,
during, and after instruction. This process ensures success for all the
students. It enables the teacher to have an overall view of students’
achievement. It is important that the assessment is authentic since it offers students
a variety of tasks to prove their knowledge (Chapman & King, 2012). Differentiated assessment
supports the learning process since it helps teachers identify and begin to
address students’ strengths and needs. It is ongoing and responsive process that
changes over the course of a unit in response to students’ growth and
development. It serves multiple purposes:
assessment for instructional planning,
assessment for learning and
assessment of learning.
Differentiated instruction and differentiated assessment
meet the principles of special education since individualised teaching is
incorporated in group teaching in a mixed ability classroom. Every student’s
learning needs are taken into account and act as an initial point in the
adaptation of the curriculum (Bender, W.N., 2002). Students learn to appreciate
differentiation, learn at their own pace and understand through practice that
one student’s output can be another student’s input (Benati, 2005).
Every student has a range of abilities, needs and interests.
Differentiated instruction is any instructional strategy that recognizes and
supports individual differences in learning. It maximizes learning by taking
into consideration each student’s’ individual and cultural learning styles. It
respects the fact that some students may require adjusted instruction and
offers different ways for students to explore curriculum. Differentiated
instruction facilitates learning since it helps teachers create learning
situations that match students’ current abilities and preferred learning styles
while stretching their abilities and encouraging them to experience new ways of
It provides both teachers and students with unique teaching and learning
experiences. What reassures the success of such teaching approach is, apart
from knowledge, the belief that every student is a potentially successful one
who seeks opportunities to develop his/her abilities.
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